Queeres Regenbogen­familienzentrum


A space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter* and nonbinary people and queer families

QRFZ – the queer rainbow family centre in Berlin’s Eastside

We create a safe, appreciative space for queer people, queer families, and their allies. Whether you already have children, or you’re thinking about the possibility of starting a family, or if you yourself are still a child or teenager, whether you don’t know exactly what kind of support you want, or you just want to see what our centre is about – Everyone is welcome here!

Here at QRFZ you can spend time with other LGBTQI+ people, come to our many different groups, get counseling on everything family and relationship-related or, visit our queer friendly delivery nurse consultation-hours.



  • Please sanitise your hands
  • If you or your kids feel sick please don’t visit the QRFZ

Sign up qrfz@trialog-berlin.de 


Save the Date:

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We are a multi-professional team of queer social workers with a variety of gender identities, sexualities, and family concepts. We live queer family in our own individual ways and are well versed with the queer infrastructure of Berlin.

People face different discriminations and have different privileges in our society. This is why we want to introduce ourselves and be transparent about our own identity markers:

Lucia Wendt (she/her)

Lucia is the coordinator of the QRFZ, hosts the queer baby and toddler group and offers counseling. Lucia is white, queer, cis-previliged, able-bodied and neurotypical. Lucia is the parent of three children and lives queer family. 

Mobil: 0162 251 0634

Mail: wendt@trialog-berlin.de

Lu Prigge (no pronouns/ dey)


Mobil: 0177 781 7850

Mail: prigge@trialog-berlin.de


The Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH is an officially-recognized administrative organisation for youth care since 1996 and offers regional ambulatory support in Charlottenburg, Mitte, Neukölln, and Spandau for taking care and raising children. The projects „Queer Leben“ and „Zuflucht“ and school social work as well as accompanied contact are the supra-regional offers of Trialog. Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH offers innovative and individual support for everything family related and has a wide range of potential supporting projects.

The Queere Regenbogenfamilienzentrum was founded in the context of „Queer Leben“. We closely work togetherwith different family-focused establishments and facilites, as well as with our project „qu:ib – queer im Beruf“ 


Queeres Regenbogenfamilienzentrum
Seumestraße 26
10245 Berlin

Tel. 030 – 315 11 77 34


Instagram: @queeres_familienzentrum
Twitter: @queeres_berlin

Lucia Wendt
Tel. 0162–251 063 8

Fachliche Leitung
Malte Mühlsteff
Tel. 0162–2509692

Trialog Jugendhilfe gGmbH
Heerstraße 2
14052 Berlin
Tel. 030–315 117 70

Anke Köhler
Beate Aydt-Abadian


If you have any questions about our facility, its accessibility or other general conditions of the QRZ, you can contact us